
Empowering Offshore Industries: Application of 3D Laser Scanning and Modeling Services


As offshore industries continue to pioneer the frontiers of engineering and exploration, the adoption of 3D laser scanning and modeling services has swiftly ascended to the forefront. These cutting-edge methodologies offer a comprehensive means of elevating offshore operations, guaranteeing not just increased efficiency and precision but also a deepened comprehension of the intricate offshore infrastructure.

Among the innovative solutions that have emerged, 3D laser scanning to 3D modeling services have become increasingly prevalent in the offshore industry for various applications, including asset management, maintenance, inspection, and design. The technology has proven to be particularly beneficial in offshore industries due to the challenging environments and complex equipment involved.

  • Asset integrity Management
  • Inspection
  • Maintenance
  • Offshore structure design

One of the most common applications of 3D laser scanning and modeling services in the offshore industry is asset management. Offshore structures, such as oil rigs and platforms, require frequent inspections and maintenance to ensure their safe operation. 3D laser scanning technology can be used to capture accurate measurements of these structures, allowing for the creation of a detailed 3D model. This model can be used to identify potential issues and improve maintenance planning and scheduling, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Another application of 3D laser scanning and modeling services in the offshore industry is maintenance and inspection. Offshore structures are subject to harsh environments and weather conditions, which can cause corrosion and other forms of damage. 3D laser scanning technology can be used to capture accurate measurements of the structures, allowing for the detection of potential issues before they become major problems. This can help reduce downtime and maintenance costs, as well as improve worker safety.

In addition to asset management and maintenance and inspection, 3D laser scanning and modeling services can also be used for design purposes in offshore industries. Offshore structures are complex and often require modifications and upgrades to meet changing requirements. 3D laser scanning technology can be used to capture accurate measurements of the existing structure, allowing for the creation of a 3D model that can be used for design and planning purposes. This can significantly reduce design time and cost, as well as improve project efficiency and accuracy

Overall, 3D laser scanning to 3D modeling services have become a valuable tool in offshore industries, providing accurate measurements, time-saving benefits, and cost-effective solutions for asset management, maintenance, inspection, and design purposes.


We provide a diverse selection of 3D CAD models tailored to your specific requirements and available in different formats and levels of detail. Our team of highly skilled technicians possesses extensive expertise in manipulating and converting point cloud data into 3D models or BIM products. Our CAD services encompass the creation of as-built 3D CAD models from a point cloud, as well as textured 3D CAD models, each designed to meet varying levels of detail as per client needs.

We provide dimensional services for the replacement of the choke and kill manifold, offering a comprehensive solution for feasibility studies regarding the installation and modification of pipe spools.

Aries offers comprehensive 3D laser scanning and modeling services, clients can visualize, analyze, and optimize their projects with precision and accuracy. For rig scans, this technology can be particularly beneficial in the oil and gas industry, where accurate and detailed scans are crucial for maintenance, safety assessments, and modifications.

Similarly, in refurbishment projects, having precise 3D models of existing structures or spaces can streamline the planning and execution processes, ensuring that renovations or modifications align seamlessly with the existing layout.

Your expertise in providing these services can significantly enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize errors for your clients

Our expert team offers deformation surveys tailored to meet specific project requirements and the characteristics of the subject matter. Depending on the complexity of the task and the need for detailed data, we utilize 3D laser scanning technology. This approach proves highly effective for objects with irregular shapes or when a comprehensive grid of data is essential.

We provide clash detection analysis services, enabling clients to compare the design model with the point cloud comparisons. Identifying clashes during the design stage facilitates cost-effective resolutions, preventing expensive delays and material expenses that could arise if issues are detected on-site. Utilizing scanning technology for construction verification ensures the faithful execution of the design concept on-site. Early detection of any deviations allows for proactive solutions, averting delays and cost overruns during construction

We provide Rig Leg damage analysis services, allowing clients to compare the design model with point cloud data. This enables them to identify the extent of damage and make well-informed decisions regarding necessary repairs

Most of our as-built dimensional surveys are derived from point cloud data or total station, providing precise and detailed representations. For applications requiring heightened accuracy, we offer specialized measurement services. Our software enables the generation of spool inspection drawings and reports, covering crucial elements such as flange alignment, bolt-hole rotation, and comprehensive material lists. Additionally, we prepare as-built spool fabrication drawings, reducing the overall time frame on site fabrications.

We offer scanned as-built data along with 360-degree panorama photos, assisting the clients in visualizing the actual site conditions

We provide services to clients with mesh models directly from the point cloud data in desired formats

We provide services for preparing as-built 2D drawings from point cloud data